Sunday, July 31, 2011

Entry 710

I was sick this morning, but Una went to church.  After church I was able to join the group for lunch.  Then this evening we had good fellowship and study at the Rowe's, followed by Larry treating the whole group to ice cream at Superior Dairy in Hanford!  Yummm.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Entry 709

My cousin, Rick, met us in Fresno on his way home from Temecula where he has been aiding firefighters.  Shannon and Stephen came to the restaurant too.  It was the first time Shannon had met Rick.  We had a good visit.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Entry 708

We enjoyed another great outing with the Kildays.  We saw Cowboys & Aliens, and then went to dinner at Marie Callendars, followed with a visit in their home.  We have sure grown close to this older couple.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Entry 707

We had a good visit with our 93 year old Nita, and dinner with our son-in-law, Stephen.  It was a good day!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Entry 706

Our TV saga continues.  However, we will probably either have a repaired TV or a new one by Tuesday of next week.  Then we can get back on the road.  The most notable activity of this day was dinner with the Kildays, followed by a visit at their house and a viewing of what he calls moon flowers.  It is a weed that blooms very delicate yellow flowers when it gets dark outside.  There is a moth that then comes around and pollinates them.  We had never seen anything like it.  You can actually watch the flowers bloom!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Entry 705

Well, we started out excited because we thought our TV was gonna get fixed today, but it had to go to the shop.  Might be two weeks or more.  Bummer!  TV aside, we had a reasonably good day.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Entry 704

We went to see Harry Potter with friends from church and then had dinner with the Kildays.  It was a good day!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Entry 703

I am going to stop calling the entry "day" because I think I lost count, and I sometimes miss a day, like yesterday.  Well, yesterday we wore ourselves out by taking everything out of our storage compartments, going through all the containers, and reorganizing.  Wow!  We have a lot more space now!

Today was another good day of worship, fellowship, and study.  A very uplifting day!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 702

Santa Cruz Slideshow
Well, as I said yesterday, we had a really good time with the grandkids yesterday.  We spent the night at our daughter's house and another day with the family.  It will probably be the last time we see the kids until after Christmas, so it was a little hard to leave tonight.  However, it was a good day today, with a lot of fun and games.  Enjoy the slideshow!  The last few pictures are from lunch today at the Bulldog Grill.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 701

Took the grandkids to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk today.  Got back late and I'm bushed, so I'll post pictures tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 700

I spent the day at the park, mostly hosting a neighbor who was locked out of his rig while his wife was off somewhere he didn't know.  Una babysat the grandkids.  And this evening we had dinner with the Ashfords.  Just a typical day stuck in Visalia.  Man, am I ready to get back on the road!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 699

Went to my wood turning class today and learned quite a bit.  Had our transmission serviced.  Unfortunately, it didn't fix the problem we have.  Not sure what we're going to do about it.  The parts have been ordered for our TV.  However, we will probably be here a week longer than planned because of the repairs.  Oh well.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 698

Today was a mixed-emotion day.  We had a good time with friends at the movies and at fun and fellowship.  However, we received bad news on our car.  The dealer said we need a new transmission at a cost of $5,200!  I'm not ready to buy it just yet.  We will get another opinion.  Have a blessed night!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 697

It is so wonderful to have sweet fellowship!  We have had a day filled with just such as that with our wonderful church family.  We heard a great sermon from Larry Goodin this morning, followed with lunch at Applebee's with seven others from church.  This afternoon I made another pen while Una shopped and planned for the group gathering this evening.  We picked up the Kilday's and brought them to the study and back home.  It's truly going to be tough leaving this area, because we are getting so close to these people.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 696

Well, I tried to take our car in for a transmission service at a garage I called yesterday.  However, they never opened up.  So, I enjoyed a good breakfast with a couple of friends, came home and made pens.  Una and I had dinner with another friend that we haven't seen for quite a while.  It was good!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 695

We have had a good day.  I was able to fix our door, and we enjoyed a good movie, The Zookeeper, with friends and our grandson.  I was also able to make some pens.  All-in-all, a blessed day!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 694

Another day with Ethan.  It was really good until this evening when we tried to shut the door on our rig and it wouldn't.  Seems like we have something going wrong each day...: (

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 693

We spent the day taking care of our sweet grandson, Ethan.  He is a real joy to our lives!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 692

A good day for turning.  After my wood-turning class I came home and did some more.  However, our television died...the silver lining?  We have an extended warranty!  I also took our car to the Toyota dealership and the mechanic was able to hear what it does.  I hope they can get it fixed next week.  This evening we had a good time with our friends, Roy & Rose Wells.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 691

We had a good day, starting with the senior breakfast, and ending with me making a pen in the dark : )

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 690

We had another wonderful day of worship, study, and fellowship.  I had a really good visit with my brother this afternoon.  This evening our small group met at our park in the clubhouse and we celebrated our oldest member's birthday.  Warren Kilday turned 82 today!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 689

Una took this picture of me beside Jay & Joyce Lockridge's '57 Chevy.  We were there to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary!  It is an awesome thing to behold a couple who have given themselves, their family, and their marriage to God.  It was also good to visit with a lot of folks we haven't seen in a long time.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 688

We started our day at three am.  Our dear friends, the Kildays, called because she had to go to emergency.  So, we spent the next several hours with them.  Praise God that it turned out to be a minor issue.  Una went on to spend most of the rest of the day in Fresno taking care of the grandkids.  This evening was steak night at the lodge...mmm...good!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 687

I spent some time on my lathe today making a cup and an oak pen.  We had a good visit with our 93 year old friend today and then spent some time with Kathy at the Elks Lodge.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 686

We had a great day with the grandkids.  After seeing Cars 2, we went to Rite-Aid for a Thrify's Ice Cream cone.  I then went to praise team practice.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 684

Three Rivers Day Trip Slideshow
We decided to take a little day trip today.  From Visalia, we drove through Lemon Cove, Lake Kaweah, to Three Rivers and back to Visalia.  Enjoy the slideshow!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 682 & 683

Yesterday we went to the coast and spent the day with  friends.  We got home too late to blog.  Today was another wonderful day of worship, fellowship, and Bible study!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 681

We had another relaxing day.  Went to see a movie (Larry Crowne) with our friends, the Kildays, and then to dinner and their house for a nice visit.